Roof Cleaning Marchwood

Marchwood Moss Removal & Soft Washing

Roof Cleaning Marchwood Hampshire (SO40): While it is often said that a structure is only as sound as its foundations, there are also problems relating to allowing your roof's maintenance slip too, and when all is said and done your property is the single largest investment you are ever likely to make during your lifetime. Regardless what sort of Marchwood home you have, whether it is a mid-terrace, semi or even a cottage in the country, you should still ensure that your roof is clean and in good working order, to keep it preserved.

Roof Cleaning Quotes Marchwood

To save you cash in the long run and evade expensive roof repair bills, it is advisable to employ the services of a roof cleaning company in Marchwood, to carry out a regular roof maintenance program. Spotting possible problems like cracked or broken roof tiles and other means by which water can seep into the interior of your dwelling, is much easier if you making sure that your roof is free of a build-up of moss or debris. Routine maintenance is not just about extending your roof's longevity; it's also about protecting your home from potential water damage.

Roof Cleaning Marchwood Hampshire (SO40)

The presence of lichen, algae, moss, and dirt on roofs in Marchwood usually calls for professional roof cleaning services. These natural build-ups are almost inevitable, affecting nearly all roofs over time. Homeowners might contemplate cleaning their roofs themselves, especially if they own a pressure washer. However, this approach should be approached with caution, as it can be messy and risky, with a high chance of damaging the roof tiles.


As it spreads over an area, moss creates dense green clumps or mats, and this flowerless plant flourishes in Marchwood and all around Hampshire, especially in damp and shaded locations. It spreads by way of spores which drop onto the surface and grow very rapidly. The weatherproofing layer can be damaged and the surfaces of cement, clay and slate tiles, pitted by moss which is left to its own devices. If splits and cracks develop from this pitting, which they often do, you will no longer have an adequately weatherproof and waterproof dwelling in Marchwood.


Most areas of moss will usually be cleared by hand by many skilled roof cleaning operatives in Marchwood. This is a low impact technique for roof cleaning and the removed waste is easily collected as the process is accomplished. A solution is employed to cleanse the rest of your roof once all of the moss has been cleared. Once this cleansing solution has dried off, any moss spores remaining on your roof tiles can be completely killed off by the application of a treatment. In damp, shaded areas of your roof that are out of full sunlight, algae and lichens can quickly form, and these are also killed off by this biocide treatment. This cleaning treatment as a whole is called "soft washing" within the industry, however this may also refer to roof cleaning without first scraping away the moss and other accumulations from your roof.

Roof Moss Removal Marchwood

If you failed to apply this biocide treatment, you'll probably notice some moss re-growth on your roof just a few months after having it cleaned. The biocide treatment will keep your roof surfaces free from growth for three to four years, and a specialist roof cleaning service in Marchwood will recommend a retreatment every twenty four to thirty six months to keep your roof free from moss, lichen and algae, and in the best condition possible.

When the roof cleaning process is finished, a decent roof cleaning specialist in Marchwood will also clear your gutters of any loose debris, to stop future blockages and allow the free flow of rainwater into your downpipes.


As a technique for roof cleaning, pressure washing isn't necessarily recommended, and in reality a lot of roof cleaning companies in Marchwood will advise against this, especially if your property is above a certain age, or there is any damage to your tiles. This might at first seem surprising to you, but a jet of water under pressure can easily penetrate the tiles, damage the waterproof membrane and allow water to get into your dwelling, which may cause unwelcome damage on the inside of your home. It's not advisable to try this without the guidance of a professional, although this might be the fastest method of finding leaks in your roof!

Click for Roof Cleaning Marchwood

The use of a pressure washer, and the highly powerful rush of water that it produces, can cause considerable damage to other parts of your roofing system, such as pointing, fascias, gutters, soffits and flashings. At a minimum, you could affect the waterproof coating on your tiles and reduce their expected lifespan by using a non-professional power washer on the roof of your property.

Now that we have addressed some of the negative aspects of cleaning a roof with with a jet washer, it would now be helpful to explain scenarios where this may be possible. After surveying your roof and determining the level of cleaning which is required, a roof cleaning company in Marchwood will figure out the best course of action for your home. A reliable company will try to find the most practical and cost-effective option for cleaning your roof, and if they come to the conclusion that your tiles can stand up to being power washed, then that's the alternative they will suggest.

Roof Cleaning Near Marchwood Hampshire

The equipment that specialist roof cleaning businesses in Marchwood use, have flow pressures which can be changed to suit the conditions. Consequently, during the cleaning procedure, no damage will be done to your roof tiles. To keep your roof in tip-top shape for the foreseeable future, as with hand cleaning, there will be a separate treatment of biocide to prevent the re-growth of moss and algae.

If a jet washing service is offered to you by your local roof cleaning company in Marchwood, you must ask to see references from former customers they've worked for, and make certain that they have ample insurance. Under no circumstances should power washing be used on a thatched roof. If a roof cleaning "specialist" in Marchwood, recommends cleaning your thatched roof with a pressure washer, you should show them the door!


If you're particularly looking for a green solution for cleaning your roof in Marchwood, then steam cleaning is the greenest solution which is available to you. Any lichens, algae and moss are killed off by the high temperature steam, and no harsh cleaning products or chemicals are used during this procedure. The focus is currently on innovative biocides that are eco-friendly and sustainable and do not damage the wider environment. One such provider is Bioxide, which is a "green" anti-fungal treatment that can be used after steam cleaning, which is environmentally safe, non-toxic and is suitable for use on any kind of roof surface.

When compared to power washing, steam cleaning uses a far reduced pressure. This means that it is much less likely that your roof will be harmed. Sadly, when it comes to roof cleaning, the steam cleaning alternative is the most costly one.


Some protective sheeting will need to be put down, whatever cleaning technique you're using, to catch moss, leaves and other muck that falls down from your roof during the process. If scaffolding is necessary, this will have to be put in place, and drainpipes will also have to be covered over to stop any loosened debris falling in and creating an obstruction.

Cleaning Roofs Marchwood

When you're on the lookout for a roof cleaning company in Marchwood, it's vital to go for one that complies with all of the relevant Health and Safety practices, and that they're passionate about the correct use of protective gloves & goggles, safe chemical use, reducing damage to the environment and work at height requirements. Holding information on trusted and certified roof cleaning services, there are professional trade organisations that you can access, like EduPro UK, the "Roof Cleaning Institute UK" and the "BWCA" (British Window Cleaning Academy). For those wanting to enter this industry, they also provide training and certification.

To find a roof cleaning company that you can depend on to do a decent job, it's wise to ask for evidence of references, trade memberships and certifications when you're obtaining your quotes. On request, any good roof cleaning service in Marchwood will have no problem in providing you with this information.

(Tags: Roof Soft Washing Marchwood, Roof Steam Cleaning Marchwood, Moss Removal Marchwood, Roof Cleaning Marchwood)

Quotes for Roof Cleaning Services Marchwood

You should be able to locate roof cleaning services in Marchwood, and adjacent areas such as: Dibden, Applemore, Dibden Purlieu, Lyndhurst, Ashurst Bridge, Hilltop, Pooksgreen, Ashurst, Minstead, Hounsdown, Eling, Colbury. Postcode areas like SO40 4AG, SO40 4YE, SO40 4YX, SO40 4XW, SO40 4XR, SO40 4WB, SO40 4AF, SO40 4UA, SO40 4AJ, and SO40 4SD are also covered. It is probable that any roof cleaning companies from the Marchwood district will have the postcode SO40 and the dialling code 023. Checking this will confirm that you access local roof cleaning. Marchwood homeowners have lots of options when they're hunting for roof cleaning services. If you just click the "QUOTE" form or banner, you'll get specifics on roof cleaning in your local area.

Asbestos Roof Cleaning Marchwood

Once a popular construction material due to its high resistance to fire, asbestos is a naturally formed mineral. Unfortunately, when inhaled it's now known to be extremely dangerous. Inhaling asbestos fibres carries a substantial risk of developing serious health conditions, including mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis.

If a building on your property in Marchwood has a roof made of asbestos, managing it safely is vital. For your safety, steer clear of cleaning an asbestos roof yourself no matter what. The seemingly simple act of jet washing an asbestos roof can be exceptionally risky, as it can release asbestos fibres that pose a serious health risk.

Asbestos Roof Cleaning Marchwood

There are, thank goodness, safer options for handling an asbestos roof:

  1. Control Vegetation: The trapping of moisture by lichen, moss, algae, and other organic intruders can potentially accelerate the wear and tear on asbestos. Employing procedures that minimise the chance of disturbing asbestos fibres, a competent specialist can remove this growth safely.
  2. Asbestos Roof Replacement: Don't ignore serious damage! If your asbestos roof shows significant signs of wear and tear or you're planning major renovations, a full replacement could be the answer. This is a complicated project that must be carried out by a licensed asbestos removal contractor.
  3. Softwashing: Eliminating algae, moss and other organic nasties? This procedure uses a low-pressure biocide solution application. This strategy prioritises safety by keeping the potential for disturbing asbestos fibres to a minimum. Always hire a certified specialist for softwashing, since they'll have the necessary equipment and trainingto handle the job safely.
  4. Leave it Alone: While routine monitoring is crucial for all asbestos roofs in Marchwood, leaving intact and undamaged ones undisturbed can often be the safest solution. This is especially true if they're not currently causing any problems.
  5. Encapsulation: To prevent them from becoming airborne, this procedure involves coating the asbestos roof with a sealant that binds together the fibres. An excellent long-term fix for asbestos roofs, this process requires professional application from the start, with ongoing maintenance to ensure its effectiveness.

Following regulatory requirements and prioritising safety can reduce the risks that are linked with asbestos exposure, even though cleaning and maintenance of asbestos roofs present complex issues. Don't underestimate the risks! Managing an asbestos roof, from cleaning to routine maintenance, requires a high degree of caution and awareness of potential dangers. Observing safety guidelines and seeking professional assistance when necessary enables property owners to protect their health and well-being while ensuring the safe management of asbestos roofs..... READ MORE. (Tags: Marchwood Asbestos Roof Cleaning Contractors, Cleaning Asbestos Roofs in Marchwood, Asbestos Roof Cleaning Marchwood)

Roof Cleaning Tips

Roof cleaning is an important element of maintaining the longevity and functionality of your roof in Marchwood. Neglecting regular cleaning can lead to the buildup of debris, mould, and other harmful substances that can cause damage over time. The following are some guidelines to help keep your roof clean and in tip-top condition.

  • Schedule Professional Cleaning: Regular professional cleaning can ensure that your roof is correctly cleaned and inspected for damage. This can help to prolong the life of your roof and avoid costly repairs.
  • Avoid Pressure Washing: Pressure washing can cause damage to your roof surface and should be avoided. Instead, opt for a careful scrubbing with a soft-bristled brush and a cleaning solution.
  • Regularly Remove Debris: Debris such as branches, twigs and leaves can build up on the roof and retain moisture, which can lead to the growth of mould and mildew. Removing this debris on a regular basis will help keep your roof clean and dry.
  • Steer Clear of Chemical Cleaners: Chemical cleaners are usually aggressive and damaging to your roofing material. Instead, use a mixture of water and soap for cleaning, or consider environmentally friendly cleaning solutions.
  • Use a Soft-Bristled Brush: When you're cleaning your roof, it's important to use a soft-bristled brush to avoid damaging the roof surface. A gentle scrub with a solution of soap and water can help remove any dirt or debris.

By following these pointers, you can help keep your roof clean and in excellent condition. Regular cleaning and maintenance will help extend the lifespan of your roof and avoid costly repairs down the line.

Bird Deterrents Marchwood

Bird deterrent installation is a good way to keep roofs clean and clear of bird mess and nest debris. Roofs in Marchwood often become perching and nesting spots for birds, causing droppings that clog up gutters and stain roof surfaces. Spikes, reflective objects and nets, when set up on a roof, can be effective in preventing birds from landing and causing a mess.

Bird Deterrent Installation Marchwood

Bird spikes are a popular choice because they are humane and easy to install. The unevenness that is created by the spikes makes landing difficult, so naturally birds seek out smoother spots to settle. Another solution is netting, which acts as a barrier to stop birds from accessing certain areas of the roof, making it particularly useful for bigger areas.

You might also consider reflective objects! Shiny tape, discs, and similar products can be just as effective. The movement and reflection usually scare birds away. Keeping your roof cleaner, such deterrents also reduce the need for regular upkeep and costly repairs caused by bird damage when installed.

Using a professional for installing bird deterrents is crucial for effectiveness and safety, as Marchwood homeowners should generally not attempt to do this kind of work. To ensure durability and prevent accidents, professionals have the experience required to install deterrents, and have the required equipment to do the work successfully. This avoids potential roof damage and provides a long-lasting solution to keep roofs in Marchwood clean and bird-free. (Bird Deterrent Installation Marchwood)

Flat Roof Cleaning

Both commercial and domestic buildings in Marchwood frequently have flat roofs or areas of flat roofing. Flat roofs have several benefits, such as the easy installation of rooftop equipment and space utilisation, but they also come with specific maintenance requirements, including frequent cleaning. Proper flat roof cleaning is essential for preventing leaks, maintaining its value and extending the lifespan of the roof.

Flat Roof Cleaning Marchwood

Flat roofs, unlike pitched roofs, do not have the natural water runoff provided by slopes. Flat roofs are more susceptible to water pooling, debris accumulation, and the growth of moss and algae due to their design. These issues can lead to significant damage and reduced lifespan of the roof if they're not addressed.

Methods of flat roof cleaning:

  • Manual Cleaning: For flat roof care, beginning with the manual elimination of debris and dirt using tools such as brooms, brushes or rakes is highly effective. Consistently sweeping prevents the accumulation of substances that could block water drainage.
  • Pressure Washing: Flat roofs can be cleaned using pressure washing, but selecting the correct technique and pressure setting is vital to prevent damage to the roofing material. Using too much pressure can remove protective layers or lead to leaks.
  • Chemical Treatments: Removing algae, moss, and other growths can be efficiently done with particular chemical solutions. These treatments, when applied to the roof, are intended to sit for a specified timeframe before the rinse-off process. Using environmentally friendly options is essential to limit the impact on the ecosystem.
  • Professional Services: Considering the specific challenges presented by flat roof cleaning, engaging the services of professional cleaners is recommended. These specialists come prepared with the experience, tools and know-how needed to clean the roof safely and meticulously.

Important reasons for flat roof cleaning:

  • Minimising Debris Accumulation: Flat roofs can often suffer from an accumulation of dirt, leaves and branches. Unremoved debris can clog drains and prevent water from flowing freely. To avoid possible water-related issues, clean frequently to remove obstructions.
  • Preventing Water Ponding: Flat roofs without natural drainage are prone to water pooling in low spots or depressions. If standing water is not expelled, it can cause leaks, structural damage, and premature deterioration of roofing materials. Effective drainage and the prevention of water pooling on the roof are both benefits of routine cleaning.
  • Extending Roof Lifespan: Cleaning a flat roof regularly can significantly increase its useful life. Proactively removing muck, debris, and organic build-ups is a smart move to shield your roof from the financial implications of repairs and early replacements.
  • Algae and Moss Control: Algae, moss, and other organic growths can proliferate on flat roofs, especially in damp or shady areas. These growths can harm roofing materials and make the roof less effective at shedding water. Cleaning prevents the buildup of organisms, which maintains the integrity of the roof.
To sum up, effective cleaning of the roof is vital for preserving both the longevity and condition of a flat roof. You can make certain that your roof remains functional and free from damage by preventing water pooling, minimising the build-up of debris and controlling the growth of moss and algae. The practice of frequent cleaning, through jet washing, chemical treatments, manual methods, or professional services, constitutes an investment that enhances both the lifespan of the roof and the overall structural integrity of the building. (29255 - Flat Roof Cleaning Marchwood)

Marchwood Roof Cleaning Tasks

Roof Cleaning Tasks Marchwood

There are a large selection of tasks that can be carried out by a professional roof cleaning service in Marchwood, and we have outlined some of them here: domestic roof cleaning, skylight cleaning, steam cleaning, slate roof cleaning, commercial roof cleaning in Marchwood, metal roof cleaning, soft washing, roof tile cleaning in Marchwood, jet washing, brushed roof cleaning Marchwood, graffiti removal, wall cleaning, gutter cleaning in Marchwood, asbestos roof cleaning, soffit cleaning, asphalt roof cleaning, solar panel cleaning, facade cleaning, biocide roof treatments, the installation of gutter guards, moss removal & roof cleaning, brick cleaning, bespoke roof cleaning Marchwood, fascia cleaning, roof coating, moss removal in Marchwood, roof cleaning price quotes in Marchwood, EPDM roof cleaning in Marchwood, lichen & algae removal, landlord roof cleaning services. These are just an example of the tasks that are carried out by those installing roof cleaning. Marchwood specialists will be happy to inform you of their whole range of cleaning services. If there happen to be additional Marchwood roof cleaning requirements that you want but cannot see here, you can mention them on the QUOTE FORM provided. We will be in touch with details just as soon as we can.

Roof Cleaning Near Marchwood

Also find: Hounsdown roof cleaning, Dibden roof cleaning, Lyndhurst roof cleaning, Eling roof cleaning, Hilltop roof cleaning, Colbury roof cleaning, Pooksgreen roof cleaning, Ashurst Bridge roof cleaning, Dibden Purlieu roof cleaning, Minstead roof cleaning, Ashurst roof cleaning, Applemore roof cleaning and more. Luckily, pretty much all of these areas are catered for by professional companies who specialise in roof cleaning. Cleaning your roof is important for maintenance, improving visual appeal, prolonging its lifespan, and avoiding damage from moss, algae or debris accumulation. The attention your roof needs to stay in tip-top condition, protecting your investment and maintaining its aesthetic appeal, can be ensured by connecting with local companies. By simply clicking here, local home and property owners can get roof cleaning quotations. Why not start your roof cleaning project right away?

TOP - Roof Cleaning Marchwood

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(This roof cleaning Marchwood page was last updated on 30-05-2024)