Roof Cleaning Accrington

Accrington Moss Removal & Soft Washing

Roof Cleaning Accrington Lancashire (BB5): When you think about it carefully, your house is most likely the biggest single investment that you'll ever make in your lifetime, and if that isn't a good enough reason to look after it, I don't know what is! Now they say that a structure is only as sound as its foundation, which I guess is true - but the roof is equally important. And this is of course true for any sort of home in Accrington, so regardless of whether you live in a mid-terrace, semi or even a detached cottage in the country, it's crucial to keep your roof clean and in a good state of repair.

Roof Cleaning Quotes Accrington

To evade costly roof repair bills, you should arrange a regular maintenance program by a roof cleaning company in Accrington, which will actually save you cash in the long term. By making sure that your roof is free of an accumulation of moss and muck, it is far easier to spot possible issues such as cracked or busted roof tiles and other ways that moisture can gain access to the interior of your dwelling. To maintain your home's water damage-free status, regular roof maintenance is a cornerstone, ensuring both extended longevity for the roof and protection for your property.

Roof Cleaning Accrington

Roof maintenance in Accrington frequently involves addressing accumulations of grime, lichen, moss and algae, a task usually best left to professional roof cleaning companies. These natural build-ups are inevitable and affect almost every roof at some stage. While the idea of personally jet-washing your roof might be appealing, it's important to proceed with caution to avoid excessive mess and the risk of damaging your roof tiles.


Moss, an interesting plant species that is devoid of flowers, thrives in diverse natural settings. It transcends its appearance as just a green blanket, spreading across various surfaces through an intricate network of minuscule stems, establishing a strong foothold wherever it is found. Moss, unlike its flowering counterparts, forgoes seeds completely. Instead, it relies on spores, microscopic hitchhikers that quickly germinate upon landing. Roofs made of slate, clay and cement tiles are especially vulnerable to the destructive power of moss, which may at first seem harmless. Its relentless grip gradually weakens the weatherproof layer on your tiles, leading to a pitted surface scarred by tiny depressions. The seemingly trivial pits, if left unresolved, will worsen into a web of splits and cracks, ultimately compromising the roof's structural dependability. Your Accrington home, if left in this condition, could become susceptible to the weather, increasing the risk of water leaks.


Most patches of moss will often be removed by hand by specialist roof cleaning services in Accrington. The waste material that is generated by this process is more easily collected as a consequence of this low impact method. When all of the offending moss has been successfully cleared, your roof surfaces can be cleaned with a solution. As soon as this has dried out a treatment will be applied which exterminates any moss spores remaining on your roof tiles. Lichens and algae will also be eradicated by this biocide chlorine bleach treatment, which is helpful as these can quickly build up in damp, shaded areas of your roof that don't get full sunlight. Whilst the phrase "soft washing" can also make reference to cleaning your roof without first scraping away the moss and other accumulations, this is the term that is usually given to this process.

Roof Moss Removal Accrington UK (01254)

If a suitable biocide treatment isn't used, within a few months you will start to see some moss growth appearing on your roof. An application of this treatment should keep your roof clear of growth for at least 3 to 4 years, but to ensure that your roof is in the best condition, a professional roof cleaning company in Accrington will suggest a follow-up treatment every twenty four to thirty six months to to err on the side of caution.

Once the roof has been cleared a good roof cleaning specialist in Accrington should also scoop out any debris which has fallen into your gutters to stop any blockages, enabling rainwater to flow freely.


A roof cleaning service will normally advise against jet washing if your home in Accrington is over a certain age or your tiles have been in any way damaged. This is due to the fact that a high pressured jet of water can easily penetrate the tiles, damage the waterproof membrane and permit water to enter your property causing damage. Whilst you will pretty quickly find whether your roof has any leaks, it isn't advisable to do this without specialist assistance.

Quotes for Roof Cleaning in Accrington

Serious damage can also be caused to flashings, guttering, pointing, fascias and soffit boards on your roof, by the water jet from a pressure washer. At the minimum, using a non-professional pressure washer on your home's roof could damage the watertight coating on your tiles and significantly reduce their natural lifespan.

After looking at the disadvantages of power washing your roof, it is time to realise that there are instances when it may be feasible. A professional Accrington roof cleaning service will figure out the most effective approach, after doing a survey of your roof and determining the extent of cleaning that's necessary. If the professionals decide that using a pressure washer will not cause harm to your tiles, this could end up being the most viable and cost-effective option.

Accrington Roof Cleaning Near Me

The standard devices that a lot of property owners use aren't of the same standard as the jet washers used by roof cleaning services in Accrington, which have advanced features like adjustable pressures of flow that can be changed to cater to particular conditions and circumstances. This means that throughout the pressure washing process, no harm will come to your tiles. To prevent the re-growth of algae and moss and keep your roof looking great for the next few years, there will be a separate biocide treatment, as is the case with the hand cleaning method.

If anyone offers to power wash your roof in Accrington, you'll need to check references from former customers. You should also ensure that they have appropriate insurance in case they cause damage to your roof. Under no circumstances should jet washing be used on a thatched roof. If any thatched-roof cleaning company in Accrington offers to provide you with this service you should definitely turn down their offer.


Out of all the roof cleaning techniques that are on offer, steam cleaning is the most eco-friendly option you can go with. This procedure does not call for the application of chemicals or harmful cleaning products, and the hot steam instantly kills off any algae, moss and lichens that are living on your roof tiles. Ground breaking biocides are now available which are sustainable and eco-friendly and cause no harm to the environment, which is of course extremely important to many people. One product that can be applied after the steam cleaning process is Bioxide, which is a "green" anti-fungal treatment that's non-toxic, environmentally safe, and is suitable for use on any sort of surface.

A lower pressure is required for steam cleaning, than that which is used in power washing. As a result, there's far less chance that your roof will be damaged. However, if cost is important, you may be swayed by the fact that in relation to roof cleaning solutions, steam cleaning is the most costly.


Whatever of these solutions you decide on, one of the first things which will need to be done is laying out protective sheeting around your property to catch any falling moss, leaves and associated debris that results from the roof cleaning procedure. If necessary, scaffolding will also need to be built, and any downpipes covered over, to make certain they aren't plugged by loosened debris and muck.

Accrington Roof Cleaners

Any respectable Accrington roof cleaning company should use experienced personnel who follow all the Health & Safety guidelines in relation to reducing damage to the environment, the use of protective gloves & goggles, work at height best practice and safe chemical use. There are professional trade organisations within this sector, such as the "Roof Cleaning Institute UK", the British Window Cleaning Academy (BWCA) and EduPro UK, which offer training and certification, and also hold information on accredited and trustworthy roof cleaning services.

To make sure you are dealing with a reliable and trusted business, always ask to see any relevant certification, professional memberships and references, when obtaining estimates from a roof cleaning company. Any reliable roof cleaning business should have no problem supplying these details, and should have them readily available on its printed brochures, website or social media. If they are reluctant to do this, it may be smart to continue looking.

(Tags: Roof Steam Cleaning Accrington, Roof Cleaning Accrington, Roof Moss Removal Accrington, Roof Jet Washing Accrington)

Book Roof Cleaning Services in Accrington

Roof cleaning companies can be located in the Accrington area, and in: Knuzden Brook, Goodshaw Fold, Clow Bridge, Wilpshire, Little Moor End, Tottleworth, Scaitcliffe, Love Clough, Hapton, Altham West, Shadsworth, Huncoat, Dunnockshaw, Church, Altham, in addition to these postcode areas: BB5 0DJ, BB5 0QL, BB5 0AD, BB5 0LH, BB5 0HL, BB5 0QB, BB5 0HZ, BB5 1AG, BB5 0LD, and BB5 0SX. Accrington roof cleaning companies should have the postcode BB5 and the dialling code 01254. Confirming this should ensure that you are accessing locally based roof cleaning. Accrington people have plenty of choices when they're trying to find roof cleaning services.

Asbestos Roof Cleaning Accrington

The fireproof properties of asbestos, a naturally sourced mineral, led to its extensive use in construction projects. Unfortunately, this once-revered material now carries a hidden risk: inhaling asbestos is extremely hazardous. Among the dangers of asbestos fibres are mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other serious health conditions.

For properties in Accrington with asbestos roofs, safe management is absolutely crucial. DIY asbestos roof cleaning is both highly hazardous and strongly discouraged. The seemingly simple act of pressure washing an asbestos roof can be incredibly risky, as it can release asbestos fibres that pose a serious health risk.

Asbestos Roof Cleaning Accrington

Thankfully, there are safer alternatives when it comes to managing asbestos roofing:

  1. Vegetation Control: An asbestos roof's deterioration could accelerate as moss, algae, lichen, and other organic invaders trap moisture. A qualified professional can safely remove this growth by using techniques that mitigate the chance of disturbing the dangerous fibres.
  2. Roof Replacement: For an asbestos roof with severe damage, or if you're planning major renovations anyway, complete replacement may be the most practical solution. The expertise of a licensed asbestos removal specialist is essential for the complicated task of replacing an asbestos roof.
  3. Leave it Be: For an undamaged asbestos roof that is causing no issues, the safest approach is often to leave well alone. Even so, regular monitoring for signs of wear and deterioration is essential.
  4. Softwashing: A low-pressure application of biocide solution is the weapon of choice in this technique for getting rid of moss, algae and other organic invaders from your roof. A key aspect of safe asbestos roof management is minimising the disturbance of fibres. This procedure accomplishes this effectively. The key to safe softwashing of an asbestos roof? Using the services of an experienced specialist. Their training and equipment ensure an effective and safe job.
  5. Encapsulation: The answer to airborne asbestos issues? Try encapsulation! This approach involves coating the roof with a sealant that binds together the fibres, keeping them safely contained. While offering a long-lasting solution, this necessitates professional application and frequent maintenance for an asbestos roof.

With regards to maintenance and cleaning, asbestos roofs pose complex issues, but prioritising safety and following best practices can minimise the associated risks of asbestos exposure. Potential dangers lurk around every corner when addressing asbestos roofs. Whether it's routine cleaning or maintenance, always prioritise a cautious approach. By adhering to safety guidelines and seeking specialist assistance when necessary, home and property owners in Accrington can ensure the safe management of asbestos roofs while protecting their health and well-being..... READ MORE. (Tags: Accrington Asbestos Roof Cleaning Contractors, Asbestos Roof Cleaning Accrington, Cleaning Asbestos Roofs in Accrington)

Tips for Roof Cleaning

Roof cleaning is a crucial element of maintaining the functionality and longevity of your roof in Accrington. Neglecting regular cleaning can lead to an accumulation of mould, debris, and other harmful substances that can cause damage over time. Here are some guidelines to help keep your roof clean and in great condition.

  • Schedule Professional Cleaning: Regular cleaning by a professional can ensure your roof is properly cleaned and inspected for damage. This can help prolong the life expectancy of your roof and avoid costly repairs down the road.
  • Remove Debris Regularly: Debris such as branches, twigs and leaves can collect on the roof and hold water, which can lead to the growth of mildew and mould. Removing this debris regularly will help to keep your roof dry and clean.
  • Use a Soft-Bristled Brush: When cleaning your roof, it is vital to use a soft-bristled brush to avoid damaging the roof surface. A gentle scrub with a solution of soapy water can help remove any debris or muck.
  • Avoid Chemical Cleaners: Chemical cleaners are usually aggressive and damaging to your roof surface. Instead, use a mixture of soapy water for cleaning, or consider eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
  • Avoid Pressure Washing: Pressure washing can cause damage to your roofing material and where possible should be avoided. Instead, opt for a gentle scrubbing with a cleaning solution and a soft-bristled brush.

By following these suggestions, you can help keep your roof clean and in tip-top shape. Regular cleaning and maintenance will help increase the lifespan of your roof and avoid expensive repairs later on.

Roof Sealing

By preventing leaks and damage, roof sealing is a crucial service for protecting your roof. The application of a unique sealant onto the roof surface forms a barrier that repels moisture and prevents water from penetrating the underlying structure.

The longevity of your roof can be significantly extended through roof sealing, which can help you avoid costly repairs. It is particularly important in areas with harsh weather conditions, such as heavy rain, extreme heat or snow.

Hiring a professional roof sealing service in Accrington can enable you to pinpoint any present roof issues and receive expert advice on the most effective sealant for protecting your home. In the long term, it provides an economical solution to safeguard your roof and property. In addition, your property's energy efficiency can be further optimised by roof sealing, which also lessens heat loss in the colder months.

Fascia and Soffit Cleaning

Soffits and fascias are vital elements of the weather proofing system of your house in Accrington. They can be constructed from timber, uPVC or aluminium but they can all get dirty over time. This accumulation is a natural occurrence from exposure to the elements and cannot be stopped, but it can be successfully removed by a competent roof cleaning service in Accrington. There are different options for cleaning your soffits and fascias and a decent roof cleaning specialist will choose the correct, and safest, way to accomplish this. This may involve the use of a full scaffolding set-up, or better still, a telescopic water-fed pole system which sprays high pressure jets from ground level, dependent on the size of your home and the complexity of the task. In most cases your roof cleaning specialists in Accrington will use ladders and personal protection equipment to complete the assignment.... READ MORE.

Bird Deterrent Installation Accrington

To ensure roofs remain clean and free of bird mess, installing bird deterrents is highly effective. Birds frequently nest and perch on roofs in Accrington, resulting in droppings that can obstruct gutters and stain roof surfaces. Birds can be prevented from landing and causing a mess by setting up deterrents such as nets, reflective objects or spikes.

Bird Deterrent Installation Accrington

Due to their humane design and simple installation, bird spikes are widely chosen by many home and business owners in Accrington. These spikes create an uneven surface that birds can't land on, encouraging them to find another spot. Netting is another possibility, especially useful for larger areas. It acts as a barrier, stopping birds from getting onto certain sections of the roof.

Don't forget about reflective objects! Shiny discs, tape, and similar items can be equally as effective. The reflection and movement, viewed as a predator or threat, generally scares off the birds. Not only will your roof be cleaner, but the need for frequent upkeep and expensive repairs caused by bird damage can be reduced by putting in these deterrents.

In general, householders in Accrington should avoid attempting this sort of task, making the use of professional services for installing bird deterrents crucial for effectiveness and safety. The right equipment and experience allow professionals to install deterrents properly, thereby preventing accidents and ensuring durability. Avoiding expensive roof damage, this method offers a long-term strategy to maintain bird-free and clean roofs in Accrington. (Bird Deterrent Installation Accrington)

Flat Roof Cleaning

Flat roofs are a popular choice for architectural features in both commercial and domestic buildings in Accrington. Despite their benefits of space utilisation and easy installation of rooftop equipment, flat roofs require specific maintenance, including routine cleaning. A clean flat roof is not only more aesthetically pleasing, but it can also help to improve its energy efficiency and lifespan.

Flat Roof Cleaning Accrington

The lack of natural water runoff from slopes is a disadvantage of flat roofs compared to pitched roofs. Water pooling, the accumulation of debris, and the growth of moss and algae are more likely to flourish on flat roofs because of their design. These issues can have a significant impact on the roof, causing damage and reducing its longevity.

Methods of flat roof cleaning:

  • Manual Cleaning: The first step towards effective flat roof preservation involves the manual clearance of dirt and debris, achievable with brooms, rakes or brushes. This regular cleaning activity is key to preventing the build-up that can interfere with the flow of water.
  • Pressure Washing: Using pressure washing to clean flat roofs necessitates the use of an appropriate technique and pressure setting to prevent damage to the roofing materials. Improperly executed pressure washing can strip away protective layers or result in leaks.
  • Chemical Treatments: Moss, algae, and various other growths can be effectively tackled using particular chemical solutions. Often, these treatments require application to the roof, where they are left for a predetermined time before being cleansed off. It's beneficial to opt for treatments that have a minimal ecological footprint.
  • Professional Services: Due to the unique challenges of flat roof cleaning, seeking professional cleaning services is recommended. Professionals have the knowledge, experience and tools to clean the roof effectively and safely.

Key reasons why flat roof cleaning is vital:

  • Minimising Debris Accumulation: Flat roofs can often suffer from an accumulation of leaves, dirt and branches. Debris can clog drains and impede water flow over the years. Regular cleaning prevents potential water-related issues by removing obstructions.
  • The Prevention of Water Ponding: Water pooling in low spots or depressions is a common problem on flat roofs without natural drainage. Structural damage, leaks, and premature deterioration of roofing materials can all be avoided by preventing standing water. Routine cleaning of your roof helps to ensure effective drainage and prevents water from pooling.
  • Extending Roof Lifespan: Substantial lifespan enhancement of a flat roof is attainable through routine cleaning. Removing muck, debris, and other harmful build-ups can help avoid expensive roof repairs or premature replacements.
  • Moss and Algae Control: Algae, moss, and other organic growths can flourish on flat roofs, particularly in shaded or damp areas. Roofing materials can be damaged and the roof's ability to shed water can be reduced by such growths. Cleaning is essential for preventing the accumulation of organisms and maintaining the roof's integrity.
In short, maintaining a flat roof's condition and extending its lifespan hinges on the crucial task of roof cleaning. You can ensure that your roof remains functional and free from damage by preventing water pooling, controlling the growth of moss and algae and minimising the build-up of debris. The practice of frequent cleaning, through chemical treatments, manual methods, jet washing, or professional services, constitutes an investment that enhances both the lifespan of the roof and the overall structural integrity of the building. (29255 - Flat Roof Cleaning Accrington)

Gutter Cleaning Accrington

Whilst your roof in Accrington is being cleaned, it would also be a great idea to have somebody check your home's guttering. When we say that the gutters are among the most crucial components of your home, we are not exaggerating. Their function is to divert rain water away from your dwelling, and at the same time prevent woodwork, masonry, windows and roof timbers from suffering water damage.

Gutter Cleaning Accrington

If they are not cleaned regularly, rain gutters will soon get clogged with moss, weeds, leaves, grass, and fragments of broken roof tile. A sure indication of neglected rain gutters is when grass, moss or plants are growing out of them. A serious blockage might arise if this is ignored. If you are faced with a situation such as this, it's time to bring somebody in to professionally clean your gutter system.

Although it isn't particularly the most sensible idea, you could attempt to do this by yourself, if you've got the appropriate tools and equipment for the project. If you're committed to cleaning your gutter system by hand then you'll probably need a ladder, or maybe even a portable scaffold. Although if your property is a bungalow, you may manage to do the work with some steps. Understandably, not many people in Accrington especially like working on ladders, what with the fear of height and the risk of falls.

There is little doubt that the most effective way to have your gutters cleaned correctly is to contact the pros. A clued-up gutter cleaning contractor should also be able to spot any structural weaknesses while they're doing the work. If you're fortunate, they'll also replace gutter supports, adjust the slope of your gutters and do minor repairs. This enables you to maintain your property, but while you're doing it, save a bit of energy, money and time. If you would like your gutters cleaned, go HERE for a detailed quote.

Accrington Roof Cleaning Tasks

Roof Cleaning Tasks Accrington

There are a host of tasks that can be completed by a professional roof cleaning company in Accrington, and we have outlined a handful of them here: soffit cleaning, wall cleaning, facade cleaning, render cleaning, jet washing, roof cleaning services, pressure washing in Accrington, bespoke roof cleaning Accrington, the installation of gutter guards, cladding cleaning, steam cleaning, driveway cleaning, roof cleaning price quotes, landlord roof cleaning services, skylight cleaning in Accrington, roof moss removal, roof sealing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, eco-friendly roof cleaning, roof resealing, moss removal in Accrington, tiled roof cleaning, roof tile cleaning, solar panel cleaning in Accrington, asphalt roof cleaning, thermatech cleaning in Accrington, moss removal & roof cleaning, fascia cleaning in Accrington, slate roof cleaning. Listed are just a few of the tasks that are performed by those installing roof cleaning. Accrington providers will tell you about their entire range of services. If there happen to be some other Accrington roof cleaning requirements that you need but can't see here, you can mention them on the QUOTE FORM provided. We'll get back to you with specifics just as soon as we can.


Roof Cleaning Near Accrington

Also find: Altham roof cleaning, Dunnockshaw roof cleaning, Love Clough roof cleaning, Clow Bridge roof cleaning, Scaitcliffe roof cleaning, Wilpshire roof cleaning, Church roof cleaning, Goodshaw Fold roof cleaning, Little Moor End roof cleaning, Knuzden Brook roof cleaning, Shadsworth roof cleaning, Tottleworth roof cleaning, Hapton roof cleaning, Huncoat roof cleaning, Altham West roof cleaning and more. The majority of these localities are covered by contractors who do roof cleaning. Roof cleaning is a crucial maintenance task that helps to improve kerb appeal, extend the lifespan of your roof, and prevent potential damage caused by moss, algae or debris buildup. Property investment protection and the maintenance of aesthetic appeal are achievable when you connect with local roof cleaning companies to ensure your roof receives the attention it needs to stay in tip-top condition. To get quotes for roof cleaning, local home and business owners can click here.

Roof Cleaning Services Accrington

Find Roof Cleaning in Accrington Here
Accrington Roof Cleaning Services (01254)
  • Commercial Roof Cleaning
  • Roof & Gutter Cleaning
  • Slate Roof Cleaning
  • Roof Cleaning Services
  • Pressure Washing
  • Roof Sealing
  • Cheap Roof Cleaning
  • Roof Cleaning Price Quotes
  • Solar Panel Cleaning
  • Gutter Cleaning
  • Roof Tile Cleaning
  • Soft Washing
  • Soffit & Fascia Cleaning
  • Domestic Roof Cleaning

If you're interested in local Accrington info click here

Roof cleaning in BB5 area, (dialling code 01254).

TOP - Roof Cleaning Accrington

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(This roof cleaning Accrington page was successfully updated on 30-05-2024)